Yes, I have seen a man killed by a firework and I have also seen other people burned by them.
Roger wants to hurt anyone even willing to hurt himself just to see someone get hurt.
were ever you got the cut they numb it and then they put in the stiches so they dont really hurt
no,he was fine but was having minor wounds
No. It's seriously hot!
yes many people have been hurt by emus
If you shoot one at him or light one next to him yes. fireworks will hurt any living organizm if it comes in contact with it.
yes, it happens a lot
you will not get hurt by fireworks
No. At its closest it is over 55 million miles from Earth, so it cannot harm anyone.
No because they usally never touch them but if they are planned to they will put water on their bodies so it doesnt hurt those guys sure do take one for the team cause fireworks hurt no matter what
Directioners, because we don't want anyone to hurt our boys
Yes, my right one did and they don't hurt at all
i have it hurt so much
Fireworks aren't really allowed at stadiums nowadays as they are hazardous for other spectators and even the players. Anyone carrying crackers or fireworks will get thrown out.
Yes, BTW, I want ketchup with my fries, bye Mom!