were ever you got the cut they numb it and then they put in the stiches so they dont really hurt
He has stiches to fight and because of his clan, kakuzus clan must cut body parts and reattach,in order to be a true man and member of clan=2. He has them from getting hurt in battle. I think.=
The Hurt Locker was filmed in Jordan and Kuwait.Based on:the-hurt-locker
the song was 'do you really want to hurt me'
John Hurt does not have an acting role in the movie.
Mississippi John Hurt's birth name is John Smith Hurt.
It does not hurt when you get stiches out because there not touching your skin and there not pulling the stich all they do is take scissors an cut them it does not hurt it feels very good when you get them out i know i not to long ago had stiches it hurt going in but felt very good coming out.
Yes it does hurt because there doing it with your dry skin so it does hurt when you get stiches without numbness
Yes, you can but it will hurt!
not really it happened to me 2 years ago your in shock so much that it dosent hurt i had 2 get 25 stiches on the out side and 15 on the inside i did not feel a thing!
Stiches is made in sewing with needle and thread
There are 108 double stiches on a baseball double stiches look like this \ /. but individual stiches there would be 216.
Drowning Pool sings 37 Stiches.
You can go swimming 24hours after you have had the stiches removed.
There are 108 double stiches and 216 stiches altogether.
That is the plural of stitch.
what is the parts of stiches