Ginny? Yes, they kiss after she manages to catch the snitch, winning Gryffindor the Quidditch Cup.
In the sixth year (for Harry) at hogwarts after Gryffindor wins the Quiddich match. In that Harry wasn't playing due to Detentions. So Ginny played the role of Seeker in the match. Also when harry turns seventeen.
Harry kisses Cho Chang and Ginny Weasly.
They got Harry and Hermione to kiss and filmed it
The Day the first term ended that year Harry and the DA had a last meeting before the Christmas holidays. After that meeting Cho and Harry where left alone and they kissed for the first time. That night Harry had the vision of Nagini attacking Mr.Weasley. That was Harry's first kiss.
The first one is in the common room after the quidditch match in the 6th book. Their second kiss ( and third and forth, ad infinatum) is not specified. It is presumed that it was shortly after the first as they go through the door out of the Gryffindor Common Room. The two spend much of the rest of the term 'snogging' all over the school and grounds at Hogwarts.
Jenny gives DJ a quick kiss on the lips in order to encourage him to fight the house
Harry wants a romantic kiss
Harry was 11 when he had his first kiss
Harry and Hermione don't kiss each other.
You can't kiss Harry Potter because he does not exsist, but you can kiss the actor. If you want to kiss the actor you'll have to impress him, so good luck, your going to need it!
They never kiss.
He doesn't kiss Hermione. He does kiss Cho, however.
Ginny and Deans kiss is 268. Ron and Lavanders kiss is 281. Harry and Ginnys first kiss is 499.