yes at the end of episode 21 "where do feelings go"
plus a few bonus kisses later in the series :P
Rin choses Asa because he loves her. He does not like seia or narine or kaidai. He concetered them all but he did not love them.
Rin ended up with Asa but the other girls still like him
Rin told kadae that he's the reason her mom died so she ended up hating him and abusing him until she found out the truth
Shuffle! is about a boy named Rin who is caught in this really weird love "triangle" with a human girl named Kaede, a demon girl named Nerine, and an angel named Lisianthus....I say "triangle" because they are the main ones involved, but there are others... Basically, Rin lives with Kaede after a tragic accident and after meeting the other two girls both in the same day, they travel to Earth to marry Rin. After that it's a whole mess up of funny stuff ^_^ Hope this helped you some
asa is richer
Rin choses Asa because he loves her. He does not like seia or narine or kaidai. He concetered them all but he did not love them.
Rin ended up with Asa but the other girls still like him
No, she doesn't.
It was one-sided love. Kaedae loved Rin in time, but rin only thought of her as family but was grateful for her hospitality.
No they didnt, but they did become girlfriend and boyfriend. They kissed and hugged. That was all
Rin told kadae that he's the reason her mom died so she ended up hating him and abusing him until she found out the truth
No! Oh god no would you?!?!
Simply put that never happens in the anime
Oncorhynchus mykissON (as in I got ON the plane) COR (as in CORE of the earth) RIN (rhymes with PIN) KUS (rhymes with BUS) MY (just like it looks) KISS (same)on-cor-rin-kus my-kiss
I don't have the manga right next to me at the moment but let me see if I can go off memory: Volume 2 - Hatori and Kana kiss (flashback scene) Volume 9 or 10 - Yuki kisses Tohru on the forehead. Volume 12 - Haru and Rin kiss. Volume 14 - More Haru and Rin. Volume 16 - Kyoko and Katsuya kiss. Volume 17 - Kureno and Akito kiss along. There is a brief PG 13 sex scene between Shigure and Akito as well. Volume 20 or 21 - I think it's in these where Yuki and Machi kiss, Kyo and Tohru kiss, Ayame and Mine kiss and then there's some more Haru and Rin action. Volume 23 - Kyo and Tohru, Yuki and Machi, Shigure and Akito and I think Haru and Rin. I'm pretty sure that's it.
Shuffle! is about a boy named Rin who is caught in this really weird love "triangle" with a human girl named Kaede, a demon girl named Nerine, and an angel named Lisianthus....I say "triangle" because they are the main ones involved, but there are others... Basically, Rin lives with Kaede after a tragic accident and after meeting the other two girls both in the same day, they travel to Earth to marry Rin. After that it's a whole mess up of funny stuff ^_^ Hope this helped you some
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