wie hestiu ad talk talk with talk to yr mom teller we had a great time lat night and ioud love too do it AGAIN
It means how have things been going for you recently...
that mean he ick Lolz He answer that He fine N he answer i'm not fine so funn9i Huhuhuhuh
The Band called ATB sings its a fine day
"Our Thanks"
In a galery. Or online at a fine art print retailer like www.meisterdrucke.uk But you can do fine art by yourself to. Just try it!
Fine, thanks = Bien, gracias. I am fine, thanks. Estoy bien, gracias.
just fine thanks, how about you?
fine thanks,you?
I am fine thanks love - Rwy'n (or Dwi'n) iawn diolch cariad
Hello how are you- "Helô syt wyt ti". Fine thanks- "iawn diolch"
Im Fine ThanksIm Fine ThanksIm Fine Thanks
"Oh, thanks"
We are fine thanks! How are you?
Fine thanks, yourself?
no thanks, mine are fine.........but thanks for offering!!
'i am fine thanks' in welsh is 'fi am ddiolch dirwy'
fine thanks