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"Our Thanks"

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Q: What was the last episode of scrubs?
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Related questions

What happens in the last episode of scrubs?

In a nutshell, J.D. leaves Sacred Heart.

Did Nick Nolte ever appear in a Scrubs episode?

No, Nick Nolte never appeared on an episode of Scrubs.

Do IMDb have a Scrubs episode list?

IMBD have a Scrubs episode list on the page of their website dedicated to Scrubs. This allows the user to select a series, and view the title and short description of each episode in that series.

Where can you find the first episode of scrubs?

On the first series of Scrubs on DVD!

Was the Take That song Reach Out ever on an episode of Scrubs?

No, Take Out's song "Reach Out" never appeared in an episode of Scrubs.

What is the episode of scrubs where todd hits on the male nurse?

Let me rephrase this: What is the episode of scrubs where the todd doesn't hit on a male nurse! :)

What is the word said at the end of each scrubs episode?

There isn't any specific word said at the end of every scrubs episode.

What is the best season of scrubs?

The best episode of scrubs is "My screw up", with brendan fraser. or "My lunch", the new episode "my last words" is very good too. there all sad, yet very funny.

When does scrubs episode 708 come out?

If it does not come out April 17, 2008 then you might have to wait until they have written and aired the newest Scrubs episode

What is the latest scrubs episode?

Our Thanks (Season 9 Episode 13)

In which scrubs episode does turk discover his diabetes?

Season 4. Episode - My Cake

Which episode does lady and the janitor get married in scrubs?

Season 8, Episode 15!