Nope...She loves Sasuke and Sasuke only...well, she doesn't LOVE< LOVE< LOVE.....because he is a BIG betrayer....well, betrayer or not...gotta still love him 4 who he is...and for what he has done for her and Naruto....
No not really, Itachi really does not care for Sakura. He had his eyes on capturing Naruto, not Sakura. And yes she is stronger in Shippuden, but she would still be no match for Itachi. So I think that Itachi does not want to kill Sakura. But if Sakura was to keep getting in his way or annoying him, I think he would have not problem with killing her.
Sakura and Itachi never actually meet. There was a time when Sakura did see how Itachi looked like because the akatski sent a replacement to go and fight/stall Naruto's team so the akatski could have more time getting the jinchurican(tailed beast) out of Gaara.
of course not. he doesn't even like sakura. that's why there's no reason for him to marry sakura.
no one! actually. sasuke is the last one of the uchiha clan.his brother itachi has killed his parents.its them that sasuke love.if you realy want to know GIRLS well... sasuke kissed ino before she cut her hair.he untied it and kissed in but it wasnt becaused he liked was because sakura was watching and sasuke wanted to prove sakura that he doesnt like her.sasuke likes no girls at all!
i don't even think they know each other itachi dies not to long after konans first appearance
yeh i think so because itachi and sauske are brothers who want to kill each other just like inuyasha and sesshomaru!
no sakura and itachi dont like each other because itachi caused so much pain to naruto and sauske
I like Itachi!! *Raises hand* And Sasuke eventually will too.
I don't think so.
No, why should he do something like that? Also, Itachi's dead now.
yes because if you look on youtube and type this in Itachi/sakura/deidara already over it will tell you
Possible, but very very unlikely because he is now dead and they are enemies.
Sakura and Itachi never actually meet. There was a time when Sakura did see how Itachi looked like because the akatski sent a replacement to go and fight/stall Naruto's team so the akatski could have more time getting the jinchurican(tailed beast) out of Gaara.
He doesn't have to choose between them because he doesn't even like them but if he had to he would most likely pick Sakura and I hope that happens =).
It has been said he doesnt like pink or orange (in resemblance of naruto and sakura)
no because sasuke likes(loves) neither. Like itachi told him to hate everything. In other words sasuke is gonna be lonely even in his grave. T.T
Sakura from naruto like saskue!!
well sakura is his main love im going to go with violent, edgy, and spunky