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No only Goku and King Kai know Kaio Ken.

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Q: Does vegeta know the arts of kaioken?
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Who is the strongest warrior in dragon ball by?

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Is Goku stronger than vegeta?

When goku and vegeta first fought goku had to use kaioken x3 to keep up with vegeta but on N amek goku had reached truly great strength most sayians cannot reach and also goku became asuper sayian first and when goku fought majin buu vegeta admits that goku is the best actually he only used it to win not to keep up he wanted to use it to surpass vegeta they were tied in power at first well almost tied

Does King Vegeta ever threaten to spank Prince Vegeta?

You'll never now ,because King Vegeta s dead so you don't know

Which is stronger super kaioken or false super sayian?

super kaioken because super kaioken is super saiyan and kaioken powers mixed and false super saiyan isn't even stronger than super saiyan regular

Did vegeta know bulmas pregnant?

of course. it was his kid!

Who is the most powerful dragon ball character?

well there will be four to pick out of first whitch are trunks,goten,vegeta and goku. First of all trunks is vegeta's son , and goten is goku's 2nd son. Vegeta and trunks have more attitude than goten and goku. trunks is more powerful than goten and more popular. Goku is the strongest so he will easily be the best. Vegete is powerfull can go SSJ2 but goku can go SSJ4. Vegeta has more attitude than goku so Vegeta is better. we like to see kids fight like trunks. Vegeta is older than trunks.This says trunks is the best.

Which is better kaioken goku or bijjuumode naruto?

Are u crazy or something goku will definitely win because bijju naruto got to match kaioken goku in speed and in powers and muscles.just imagine goku speed when he used kaioken he was super fast when goku fought turles but as u know turles was even faster,stronger.but goku killed turles because of his ultimate strength that is loved for earth and the people in it.

Who is stronger vegeta or vegeta jr?


Is baby vegeta vegeta?

vegeta is daddy

How does vegeta turn into Majin vegeta?

Babidi goes into Vegeta's mind and takes control of Vegeta, which turns Vegeta evil (Majin).

Does Goku know that he Kakarrot or not?

He didn't know until Raditz and Vegeta talks to him calling him Kakarot

Who is Vegeta Jr father?

vegeta jr. Dad is,King Vegeta of Planet Vegeta which was destroyed by Freiza,and Vegta has a little brother name Tarble