Yes, Her Name Is Now "$elina King" - She Is Level 12 Nearly Level 13. She Is Judge & Celeb. She Is No longer VIP - Although I Do Want VIP Again (The Person Who Wrote This Answer Is $elina King). Add Me!
You don't.
easily go to movies and then click the movie sign then let ur imaginatoin go wild
Kasia Joy is an awesome person who sings and plays MSP and AJ. She is obsessed with YouTube, Instagram, and her friends. Her BFFs are JVBD and TS. She loves life (most of the time) and tries to be the bestest friend she can be. Kasia, if you're even sad, just read this and know you are fabulous! ;)
You can't. You pay for it like everyone else. All these surveys to get free VIP are scams which actually download a keylogger onto your computer, which steals your password. Anyone with a brain in the 21st century knows that.
plz help me become a vip member for msp im never a vip member why
go on twitter direct message this girl @wings246 and tell heryour username and password and you get diamonds this only works for vips
There isn't even a way its not possible...:s that persons ansawer is wrong. there is a way cause i used to play msp and changed my username. look it up on googl i forgot how lol
you have to say your Username and Password with the letters mixed up in the chat and if it doesnt work theres something wrong with your computer bc your computer cant register it.
msp is fun and u can make firends on there :)
nizar boy13
MSP Batna was created in 1962.
MSP stands for Member of Scottish Parliament
how to take pics of ur msp
You call the MSP number and they will take care of it
you go watch movies:D if you go watch (username: walking dead Xx) you'll get tons of starcoins :D and fame over 200 :D XD USA msp
You can not get free a MSP VIP account for free. MSP stands for Microsoft points, which have to be purchased. They can be purchased online or in gaming stores such as GameStop.