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Not directly, no. Just before he dies however, he passes on all his memories regarding the issues over the years involving Harry, his mother, father and Dumbeldore to Harry, who then watches the memories in Dumbledore's pensieve, and all is revealed.

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Q: Does snape tell harry that he has been looking after him all this time?
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Why did Cho tell on the D.A.?

In the book she didn't. It was Marietta Edgecombe. In the movie however it was Cho. At one point Harry tells Cho that he heard Umbridge gave her a hard way to go. Later, when Harry is caught by Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad, Umbridge calls Snape into her office. She demands that he bring her more Veritaserum (a truth serum). Snape advises her that she used the last of the serum on Miss Chang.

Why did snape and dumbledore plan dumbledores death?

They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along.As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along. As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along. As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along. As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.

How did snape find out when Harry was being moved?

In the 6th book. In "The Seer Overheard" chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Professor Trelawney mentions to Harry that when she was applying for a job teaching Divination at Hogwarts, she had her interview with Dumbledore in the room she had rented at the Hog's Head inn. Although she does not remember it (she only remembers feeling "a little odd"), during the course of the interview she went into a trance and told Dumbledore the prophecy (USA Scholastic hardcover edition, pp544 - 545). Before she could finish telling Dumbledore the prophecy, they were interrupted. The door to her room flew open, and standing on the other side was the innkeeper (who, as we find out in Book 7, is Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth) and Severus Snape. The innkeeper had caught Snape eavesdropping on the interview, and the prophecy. Harry realizes that this means that Snape was the one who relayed the prophecy to Voldemort, thereby causing his parents' murder. Harry runs to Dumbledore and has a temper tantrum about it.

Is Severus Snape a bad guy?

In the end we discover that Severus Snape is a good guy who is working along side the Order of the Phoneix. For the most part of the Harry Potter series, Snape is seen as a horrible man who hates Harry only because of an old grudge with Harry's father and two of his father's friends and because Severus loved only one woman in his life, Lily Evans, who was Harry's mother. Everytime he saw Harry it was a reminder that he lost out because of a silly mistake and now the woman he loved was dead. Snape and Lily met when they were children and were best friends until their years at Hogwarts, when they were separated into different Houses. Snape was already making Death Eater friends by the time he was in third year. This angered Lily because they were cruel to others, including her friends. However Snape was also bullied and one day Lily stood up for him when James and Sirius were embarrassing him. Snape then shouted that he didn't need help from a mud-blood and Lily never spoke to him again. When Harry came to Hogwarts, Snape immediately did not like him due to the memories he had of James tormenting him because Harry looks just like his father. However Snape ad promised Dumbledore he would help protect the child of someone he loved - he just didn't have to show he was doing it or like what he was doing. Harry's thoughts on Snape become very confused during his years at Hogwarts. Snape was always unmerciful and cruel towards Harry, but then again Snape had saved Harry once from falling from his broom at a Quidditch match. It is discovered that Snape was playing a double agent role between the sides of Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort, although until the seventh book, no one truly knows what side he is on. Snape passed information from the Order onto the Death Eaters but only information which Dumbledore told him to pass on. Snape was truly on the side of the Order but pretended that he was a Death Eater to find out information which he then passed onto the Order - of course to be acquainted with Dumbledore and not arouse suspicion he had to pretend to the Death Eaters that he was spying on the Order for them. He was told by Dumbledore to kill him so that the Elder Wand wouldn't belong to anybody. However, Voldemort thinks Snape owns it and so kills him to become the true master. Snape gives Harry his memories explaining the missing parts of the story and then tells Harry to look into his eyes so that the last thing he saw before he died was Lily Evans eyes. Later in life Harry named one of his children Albus Severus after the two bravest people he ever knew.

Who kills Dumbledore in no.6?

Do you really want to know without reading it first. Or are you waiting for the movie. If you want to spoil it ok Snape does. But Snape is also a good guy. So I won't tell you why he did. You have to wait until Number 7 for that one. If you want to know read it.

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Why did Professor Snape tell Harry to look in his eyes before he died?

he looks into the pensieve (memories) snape gave him before he died. in this he saw dumbledore and snape talking about how harry was the last horcrux and how he should give himself up in order for voldemort to be destroyed. so harry gives himself up.

Does snape reveal he is the half blood prince in the sixth Harry Potter book?

Yes, towards the end of the book, while fending off Harry's curses, he does tell Harry that he is the Half-Blood Prince.

If Voldemort can tell if you lie how come he didnt know when Snape did?

Snape was an accomplished Occlumens.

Who betrayed the order at the begging of Deathly Hallows?

Nobody actually betrayed them, it was a plan of Dumbledore's and Snape that Snape would tell Voldemort the time and date the Order would depart with Harry. The only "betrayal" that occured was that Mundungus Fletcher disapparated when he saw Voldemort flying after him.

What happens finally in Harry Potter and the Deathley Hallows 2?

It turns out Professor Snape could of been Harry Potter's dad. Snape knew his mother LILY as a child and he loved her. But when they went to Hogwarts Lily fell in love with another boy (Harry's father) and Snape was jealous. Lily and the boy who was Harry's father got married and had Harry But there was some sort of accident and Harry's father was killed. Lily was all "Be brave Harry, be brave" then she saw Snape and started hugging and hugging him and he hugged her back but she just suddenly died. Harry had his fathers strength and his mothers eyes so when Snape was dying he looked into Harry's eyes and remembered Lily the tears fell from his eyelids and Harry then collected them and used them to find out about Snape and how he loved his mother. It turned out Snape was never cross or angry at Harry, he cared for Harry all that time but no one ever knew it. Harry was ever so upset when as soon as he found out about this but wouldn't tell Hermione or Ron. He needed to keep it to himself. They also find out together that Harry had a part of Lord Voldenort inside him which allowed him to feel feelings if Lord Voldenort (Tom Riddle) felt them strongly. It hurt a lot feeling something strange in your mind which you were not feeling so Harry was getting worried. Harry was killed but suddenly he recovered somehow. Then his part of Lord Voldenort was gone and then Lord Voldenort well Harry finally defeated him! All his friends turned out okay except for the fact Ron's brother was killed. Hermione fell in love with Ron and they got married and Harry and Jinny got married and they were happy. They all had kids and sent them to Hogwarts and that was the end! PS Dobby dies in part 1 and they bury him at the start of part 2.

Is Severus Snape still the head of Slytherin house?

It's hard to tell, since we don't actually see him as headmaster and only hear bits of information. Given that the school was under death eater rule, Snape did his best to protect the students as much as he could. Unfortunately, he couldn't stop the Carrow's from torturing students otherwise Voldemort would have questioned his loyalty.

Why does Voldemort tell ngaini to kill snape?

Because voldemort thinks that snape is the master of the elder wand but he isn't.

Was Harry Potter born as the one wizard who could kill Voldemort - or is it because Voldemort choose harry and marked him as he equal that harry is able to kill him?

it is because voldomort chose harry. there was another boy but snape left to go tell voldomort before the profecy was finished so voldomort only knew about harry. i wont tell who the other boy is and im sory but i am not going to ruin it. more info is in the seventh book.

Why did Albus Dumbledore want Lord Voldemort to know when Harry Potter was to be moved?

He didn't want to because that would be more complicated, but he had to. Severus Snape joined the Death Eaters straight out of school. After Lily Evans' life was put in danger he convinced Voldemort he was joining the Order of the Phoenix as a spy for them. In reality, he was spying on the Death Eaters for the Order and only passing on select information to Voldemort. As time went on this information had to get better because Snape became more trusted. Dumbledore let Snape tell Voldemort when Harry was going to be moved to ensure Voldemort still trusted Snape.

Why did Cho tell on the D.A.?

In the book she didn't. It was Marietta Edgecombe. In the movie however it was Cho. At one point Harry tells Cho that he heard Umbridge gave her a hard way to go. Later, when Harry is caught by Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad, Umbridge calls Snape into her office. She demands that he bring her more Veritaserum (a truth serum). Snape advises her that she used the last of the serum on Miss Chang.

Why did snape and dumbledore plan dumbledores death?

They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along.As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along. As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along. As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along. As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.

Is Hello Harry yes Harry tell Harry a pub game?

What is Hello Harry yes Harry tell Harry ?