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Q: Does one direction have any mentors?
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What are the responsibities of a mentor?

It is great to have a mentor to have a guide. A mentor is the one who can take you to the right direction.

Do any one in one direction have any allergies?

no one in one direction has any allergies

Are One Direction mentors on The X Factor 2012?

yes he did beacause he ad under 24 s boys grroup and thought that they could be a group so joined them together

Does one direction have any pets?

yes, one direction does have pets.

Do shark swim in One Direction?

They can swim in any direction.

Did rachel Carson have any mentors?

this is why they made google search it up

Did van gogh have any patrons or mentors who helped him?

Yes two.

Did Mary Tudor have any childhood mentors?

No, she didnt have any. But her sister Elizabeth (half sister).

Do any of the boys from one direction have any tattoos?


Does any from one direction have a baby?


does one direction have any pets?


Who is the girl married to one direction?

There isn't a girl married to any of the One Direction boys.