No, Nahuel is not in love with Rennesme. Because he thinks she is interesting because she did not kill her mother(Bella) during birth. He killed his mother during birth.
If any girl read the books its RAOUL!!! (ra-ool)There is noone named raoul there is nahuel raoul is apart of the newbon army and was killed but jacob imprinted on renesmee so that means her soulmate is jacob.
After Bella's baby, Renesmee is born, Jacob 'imprints' on her, the way werewolves fall in love at first sight with a woman. But just because he imprints on her as a baby, doesn't mean he has an actual relationship with her until she is of the same age. Jacob can't stay away from her though after he has imprinted on her.
She is his niece, and Alice loves her, so he does too.
no he grows up to marry renesmee Bella's and Edwards kid :P
In the Twilight series, Renesmee ends up with Jacob. Nahuel respects her relationship with Jacob and does not interfere.
in the end we meet Nahuel, who is a crossbreed like Renesmee Carlie Cullen.
No his sisters and Renesmee are the other half vampires
In the Twilight series, Renesmee is the only known half-immortal/half-human hybrid in existence. There are no other characters like her in the story.
Yes he is he is a hybrid just like her he is half human and half avmpire at the same time
In the "Twilight" series, Nahuel is a half-vampire, half-human hybrid who is introduced in the fourth book, "Breaking Dawn." He is from South America and is a member of the Mapuche tribe. Nahuel plays a key role in the story as a witness during the confrontation between the Cullens and the Volturi.
Uh, no.
Jacob was in love with Bella until Bella got renesmee so Jacob loves renesmee
The name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen and she is Bella's daughter but in the end another same creature named Nahuel was also found.
Jacob Black
nahuel means tiger