Cracked versions can give you viruses depending on what website you use.
yes i do give typing lessons! for free! no scamsz!
Ice films has a wide selection of movies and TV shows to download free!
Music is copyrighted material, so downloads are not free.
It shouldn't snow in flat worlds, but you can /toggledownfall to stop rain, lightning or snow. This isn't permanent, but you can use a command block /give 137 or /give minecraft:command_block on a constant arrangement so that it will use the command every few minutes.
yes if you really wantz 1 lolz Actually, Chipotle does not officially offer a free burrito on your birthday, however, if you're a loyal and frequent customer, it's possible they might give a you a free one if you let them know it's your birthday. No guarantees though.
there is no viruses on minecraft just lag and pixelmon has none to
Minecraft beta is not free, you have to pay to play it. Any website attempting to give you Minecraft for free is illegal. If you find a site like this do not download anything from it as it is not only illegal, but may contain viruses.
No. Not unless the codes are from a giveaway. Every site that claims to give free minecraft codes without working for them is a scam. I advise you stay away from them, as they will give you viruses and other nasty things.
None. Don't click on ads or links or websites that say they will give you free MineCraft. They will download viruses into your pc without you knowing.
no they don't give viruses
If you pay for minecraft on minecraft's official website, then it won't download any viruses. Servers are also safe to go on, but mods for minecraft can prove difficult. Even though forge should be safe, you can't guarantee that you won't get a virus, even on a mac. The worst offenders are the mods themselves though. You just have to find out from someone else if that particular mod is safe, and if you don't have 100% confidence, then don't do it. Of course, if you really want to you can, but you always run the risk of a virus. AVG 2015 free is a good way of checking for viruses, and if you have any, burn all your important files on a backup disk, upload them to a cloud, and try to reset your computer, or just pay for an antivirus.
Most minecraft texture packs from trusted and used websites will not give you viruses. Try out PlanetMinecraft. A good texture pack is Faithfull, 100% clean of viruses unless downloaded improperly.
No, Moshi Monsters does not give viruses. The game is designed to be safe and free from viruses.
You can't unless you have a friend who buys you a gift code. Any sites claiming they can give you Minecraft premium accounts for free, or generator downloads, are illegal and will most likely not even work. The generators could also contain viruses.
No as long as you get it from the original source.
No. If you download it from the official website it will not contain any viruses.
If you download minecraft from, or the homepage, you will not get viruses. Downloaded from anywhere else, or any *sales advertisements* (ex. Minecraft for only 10$) you may get a virus. Minecraft is safe, but the things you download for it or off of it may give you a virus.