No, Madara does not die.... at all.
Madara (aka Tobi) is immortal, so therefore he does not die. ;)
He had at least five brothers. Four were killed in battle, when Madara was still a child. He also had a younger brother, Izuna Uchiha.
Nobody knows. That information hasn't been revealed yet.
The author never revealed if Madara Uchiha married anyone.
There is no "Last Survivor of the Uchiha Clan", but there are "Last Survivors of the Uchiha Clan" whom are Madara Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha. Although the "Last Survivor of the Uchiha Clan" is most likely to be Madara after Sasuke dies since Madara will live eternally, according to fan predictions. Madara,Sasuke and only Sasuke,but the other 2 are also revived by edo tensei
Madara Uchiha is a man.
It has not been revealed in the Naruto manga or anime if Madara Uchiha dies.
Sasuke Uchiha and Madara Uchiha
Madara is by far the strongest. If Itachi was stronger he would've killed madara himself.
Trick question: Madara Uchiha (Tobi) is immortal, (Can't die). This may as questions on how Hidan died: He doesn't, he gets chopped up and barried... Just there... crushed. So my point: He can't die.
Uchiha Madara is a really strong shinobi from the Uchiha clan. Not the guy with the orange mask. The guy with the mask says he is Madara but he is Uchiha Obito. Madara awakened the rinengan and that is why he didn't die early. Obito would have been dead but Madara found him and saved him. Then Madara entrusted his plans to create a better world to Obito and died. Check out naruto manga 599-608
No they do not they never will because Itachi killed the Uchiha clan and the only survivors were Itachi, Sasuke, and Tobi. Yes Tobi is an Uchiha.Tobi is Madara Uchiha and madara didnt die i dont know how did he live when he was fighting the first hokage so madara weared a mask so nobody knows that hes madara uchiha
No, Madara Uchiha is the leader of the Uchiha Clan. Obito is merely a member and he is dead.
He had at least five brothers. Four were killed in battle, when Madara was still a child. He also had a younger brother, Izuna Uchiha.
Uchiha Madara was a highly skilled ninja who lived years previously. He helped lead the Uchiha clan and was one of the founders of Konoha. He also trained Itachi. Madara helped Itachi with the Uchiha Clan Massacre.
Nobody knows. That information hasn't been revealed yet.