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No. Ralph nearly dies, Piggy dies and Simon dies. It is implied that Ralph murders two boys in his struggle of self defense. Is it also suggested that the boy with the mulberry birthmark dies in the fire early on in the book.

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No but he comes very close.

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Q: Does jack die in Lord of the Flies?
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What is important to Jack in "Lord of the Flies"?

In "Lord of the Flies," what is important to Jack is power, control, and dominance over the other boys on the island.

Who was the Lord of the Flies in lord of flies?

It is the pig's head cut off by jack, transformed from a loving pig to a creepy horror. The flies were buzzing around the head, making the pigs head the Lord of the Flies. In other interpretations, Jack is considered to be the Lord of the Flies. The beast is also thought to be the Lord of the Flies.

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Yes, Jack is still playing the game of power and control in "Lord of the Flies" even as the situation on the island becomes more chaotic and dangerous. His desire for dominance over others drives much of the conflict and violence in the story.

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Jack never died

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The lord of the flies is the head of the pig that Jack and his 'tribe' killed, they left it on a stake as an offering to the beast (ie)

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Who are the leaders in Lord of the Flies?

Jack and Ralph.

Where does jack find the Lord of the Flies?

in the forest

Does jack kill himself in the lord of the flies?