Why wouldn't he? It doesn't matter what color the person's hair is. What matters is their personality and who they really are on the inside. Harry is not the kind of guy who would like a girl just because of their looks.
BLONDES hes dating rowan murdoch he likes the blondes.
The person who said this is actually rowan murdoch..I know Harry personally and he has never dated anyone called rowan so to the person who said that is making up a whole load of trash..The answer to you question is he has dated many blondes but he said a good brunette is good not sure about redheads but it doesn't really matter about hair colour.
Harry dosent have a prefrence although he has dated mostly blondes Liam, zayn, louis and niall all prefer brunettes.
He likes girls who are a bit cheeky (like him). He doesn't like girls who try to be just like someone else. He has no preference between blondes and brunettes
he prefers tea more!
Harry Styles is a catholic
Harry Styles is Christan.
Harry dosent have a prefrence although he has dated mostly blondes Liam, zayn, louis and niall all prefer brunettes.
I think he prefers brunettes. But I don't know I've been looking it up, when asked he just said "Harry" Rofl.
He likes girls who are a bit cheeky (like him). He doesn't like girls who try to be just like someone else. He has no preference between blondes and brunettes
On a girl? He has dated all blondes so now he wants a brunette :)
he prefers tea more!
he has always dated blondes .. but he is very intrested in dateing someone diffrent then all of the other girls he has dated ..
Harry has said that he likes girls who are nice looking (X Factor video diary week 2), have a nice smile and eyes, are funny and don't take themselves too seriously. He hates it when girls call themselves ugly and has no preference between blondes and brunettes. he has also said that he would not like it if a girl wore swimming trunks. But he likes it when a girl wears a sports jersey. Hope I helped!
well Im not really a "Harry" fan (Nial is amazing ;D) anyways.. he said most of his girlfriends were blondes but a brunette is ALWAYS nice :) ur welcome
Harry is 5ft 10 and his name is harry styles not harry style
Harry styles??...