Well peter said that he was excitted about breaking dawn because Bella gets pregnant.... So.... Probably
It is Renesmee Carlie Cullen. Renesmee is a combination of Esme and Renée (Edward and Bella's mothers) Carlie is a combination of Carlisle and Charlie (Their fathers) and Cullen is the last name
Renesmee was named after Edward's mom, Esme, and Bella's mother, Renee. They combined their names and the outcome of that was Renesmee.
Edward Cullen has drunk human blood before. Shortly after Carlisle Cullen changed Edward into a vampire, Edward became mad that Carlisle was shaping Edwards diet to animal blood and left Carlisle to drink human blood. When Edward killed murderers to see what it tasted like, he finally realized why Carlisle was drinking animal blood. He went back to Carlisle. Carlisle welcomed him as if the incident never happened.
She would have named him EJ - Edward Jacob Renesmee is a mix of Renee and Esmee. Her middle name is, and might have been if she was a boy, Carlie - a mix of Carlisle and Charlie.
Carlisle Cullen is a vampire who is the father figure and the man that turned adopted children into vampires. His children are Edward, Rosalie and Jasper Hale, Emmet, and Alice. Carlisle is also husband to Esme Cullen. Carlisle is also the father-in-law of Bella Cullen (orginially Bella Swan) and the grandfather of Renesmee Cullen (Edward and Bella's daughter).
Renesmee Carlie Cullen. Renesmee is a name combining Rennee (Bella's Human Mom) And Esme (Edward's Vampire 'Mom') Carlie combines Carlisle (Edward's Vampire 'Dad') And Charlie (Bella's Human Dad) Cullen Is The Surname Of Both Edward And Bella, Therefore The Surname Of Renesmee
Renesmee Carlie Cullen. Renesmee from Renee(Bella's mom) and Esme(Edward's adoptive mum) = renesme. Carlie from Charlie(Bella's dad) and Carlisle(Edward's adoptive dad) = carlie. cullen from edwards last name.
Carlie is Renesmee's middle name, a mixture of "Carlisle" and "Charlie". Renesmee is Bella and Edward's daughter.
It is Renesmee Carlie Cullen. Renesmee is a combination of Esme and Renée (Edward and Bella's mothers) Carlie is a combination of Carlisle and Charlie (Their fathers) and Cullen is the last name
Renesmee was named after Edward's mom, Esme, and Bella's mother, Renee. They combined their names and the outcome of that was Renesmee.
well,,,,,first it was Carlisle then Edward then Esme then Rosalie then Emmet - they were all created by Carlisle +++++++++++++ then Alice and Jasper came ++++++++++ then Edwrad and Bella had Renesmee ++++++++++ Edwrad created Bella as a vampire.........but yeah, Renesmee is the youngest ------- trust points please!!!!!
it went carlisle, jasper, edward, rosalie, bella, then renesmee her daughter. no one knows a lot about alice.
Renesmee. Renesmee Carlie Cullen. Renesmee is a combination of Renee and Esme. Carlie is a combination of Carlisle and Charlie and Cullen Edwards last name
In the movie, Edward and Bella named their baby Renesmee.
They name the baby Renesmee Carlie Cullen. Renesmee is Renee and Esme put together and Carlie is Charlie and Carlisle together.
Renesmee Carlie Cullen. Renesmee is Renee and Esme put together, and Carlie is Carlisle and Charlie put together.
Edward, Rosalie, Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Allison (is that it?), etc.