Yes. he has two brothers and three sisters Brother: kevin and Mick Sisters:Angie, Lisa, Cherie
I have to say that is one ugly girl she need braces ugh ugh ugh who wants to go out with that ewewewew ;(
he did have one called 'from backseats to bedrooms' but nothing happened with it, and hes gonna have a new one out soon called 'Southern Made, Hollywood Paid'
it means hes old and hes stupid
Yes. He was shanked in the throat.----no, hes not dead it was just a rumor hes in jail hes servin a sentence of 45 years but hes not deadhes still making albums tho
no hes happily married
her dad is billy ray Cyrus .. hes a singer so she got in easy
hes 21 & hes in Metro Station
Because he does!! :P hes awesome like that
he did before he was famous but now since hes famous he can't bring a word outta him cuz there is lots of papparazzies
Miley Cyrus does not have a boyfriend. she does hes called Justin gaston
hes hometown is nashville
no hes an atheist
hes emo and he cut himself there
no where, hes only in dpp not hgss
nope and hes really gay
hes not in sunnyshore