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No he doesn't.

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Q: Does atem love tea
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Related questions

Does Atem and Tea kiss in the English anime or the Japanese anime?

Atem and Tea did not kiss at all.

Do atem and tea kiss?


Who does Atem belong with?

Tea GArdner or Anzu Masaki

Who is Atem in love with?


Who does atem love?

No one.

Who does tea like in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Tea has a HUGE crush on Atem(yugi's twin)

Is Atem and Anzu really in love?

Atem hasn't shown any love for Anzu in the series, but, I did find a picture of their forever love. I'm a girl who is Atem crazy and I was jealous after I saw it. There's a link below of the picture.

What episode does atem and tea kiss?

There is none, since they never kissed.

Is Atem seriously in love with Anzu?


Does atem love mana?

There were some hints in the anime they probably do :)

Does Atem and Manna love each other from Yu-Gi-Oh?

This is not confirmed by Konami or 4Kids. It was only known that Mana was a close childhood friend to Atem and Mahad.

Does atem like mana?

It is unconfirmed by Konami or 4Kids if they were truly "in love". Although, it is known that Mana was a very close childhood friend of Pharaoh ("prince" at the time) Atem. They were often known to be mischievious in their childhood.