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Tea has a HUGE crush on Atem(yugi's twin)

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Q: Who does tea like in Yu-Gi-Oh?
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Does yusei have a girlfriend?

no but is always said that the main character of a yugioh movie is the boyfriend of the girl that they travel most with like yugi and tea or jaden and alexis or even yusei with akiza

Are Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon similar?

Pokemon is more like catching and yugioh is just having a deck of cards like poker and battle with them. i love both Pokemon and yugioh but i think yugioh is less childish

Does Yugi or Mokuba or Tea get tied up in web rope or tape?

in yugioh the movie maga yugi tea and mokuba are tied up in web and gagged then tied up in rope 30 mint in

How many people like the yugioh abridged series?

I do!

In yugioh the abridged series who said back off he's mine?

note: it was actually "back off, b***h, he's mine", and it was tea

Where can you download yugioh 5Ds episodes?

Best place to watch any episodes of Yugioh, Yugioh GX, Yugioh 5D's, and Yugioh Zexal is at the website

What comes after Yugioh 5ds?

Series after: yugioh 5'ds is yugioh Zexal.

Where are the tournaments in yugioh 5ds yugioh 5ds stardust accelerator?

Go to to check for updates when new tuornament on yugioh 5'ds be out.

Is yu gi oh cool?

you must be bored as hell to ask this! yugioh is for those who like the Anime/ manga. To me yugioh is good cause i learn how to do math better =)

What is the population of people who like tea?

there are millions of people who like tea and love tea.

Where do you get legendary Yugioh pack?

Walmart or a yugioh store.