Ash has never kissed May in any Pokémon episode. There's a rumor that he kissed her in a banned episode, but it was false.
I'm not sure if Ash kissed anyone in Pokemon, but he got kissed by other people, a girl called Melody in Pokemon the movie 2 and Bianca kissed Ash in Pokemon the fifth movie.Im an advaceshippier I hope to see Ash kiss May, but I don't think he will. Hi everybody! I HAD TO MAKE THE LANGUAGE CAPITALIZATION AND PUNCTUATION FOR THE OTHER PERSON, SO I DESERVE ALOT OF THE CREDIT HERE.
well, i hate to brake it to ya, but no. and by the way, if pictues of ash and may show that they are kissing, it's a fake pic. or maybe sombody just drew her there. but misty got kissed my ash in japan!!! Wrong they did show one episode where may did but parents did not want kids watching that so they edited it but its still shown in Japan
It's true they did kiss in episode ' 357 Kiss under the mistletoe' but parents complained and it got banned if it never been banned advanceshipping would have been in a lead againts all others Ash also kissed other girls named Melody and Bianca
maybe not they barely talk and she likes ash
Actually she did kiss ash but we did not show it because parents do not allow it
yes they did kiss
they never kiss
no, but he does kiss brock in episode 343
Ash did not kiss May in Episode 357. It was only a rumor the spread through the Pokemon fandom. This episode was aired only in Japan, so the rumor of a kiss could not be confirmed or denied.
Nope! Sorry.
chrisrmas special of japan episode 357
They don't kiss. Never. Too bad.
episode IV
misty does like ash but no one in Pokemon
believe it or not, if u saw it in a pic its actually fanart..... but there is a rumor about an episode where ash and may DO kiss..... yeah they said it was a japaness Christmas specail. i don't know if they will ever release it in English
they don't
you can get it at blockbuster