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Irk but it feels like it at half thottle

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Q: Does a crf150r have a power band?
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Is a crf150r a good dirt bike?

I would look at a Yamaha tt-r225 which would be comparable to a crf150r in power. The new Honda bikes are garbage, don't waste your money.

Whats the price of a 2006 Honda crf150r dirt bike?

i do not think there is a 2006 crf150r

Is a crf150r faster then a cr85?

Yes, the Honda CRF150R is generally faster than the CR85 due to its larger engine displacement and more advanced performance features. The CRF150R also has a higher top speed and more power throughout the rev range compared to the CR85.

Does a crf150r have a powerband?


What kind of machine is the CRF150R?

A CRF150R is specialty vehicle manufactured by Honda. The machine is a small motorized bike with a high-performance engine. The CRF150R is a great option for aspiring motocross racers.

What is faster a cr85 or a crf150r?

I can get top speed with a Cr85 118 km/h and 104 with a crf150r with GPS

My height is 5'1 and i way a 100 pounds should i get the crf150r or the crf150r expert?

neither, you're not tall enough

How old should you be to ride a crf150r?

you should be at least 12, or an experienced rider. the CRF150r is a great motocross bike for beginners

What kind of bike a Crf150r a YZ85 or a YZ250f Im like 5'1 and about 100 lbs?

Your a little to small for those get a CRF150R

Is a cr85 better than a crf150r?

The crf150r is a much better bike than the cr85. Honda no longer make the cr85 and if the two were racing each other the 150 would usually come out on top. Being a 4 stroke it has a much more even power delivery.

Honda CRF150r horsepower?


What is faster a crf150r or a cr85r?

As an owner of the 2007 crf150r i honestly must say it really depends on the rider and the track, the cr85r would probably get a faster time than the crf150r with the same driver on a tight track, but if it were a quarter mile drag the crf150r would blow it away.Both bikes top out between 80-85 mph, the cr85r has quicker acceleration than the crf150r, but only by a tiny bit because it is a two-stroke, but do not under estimate the crf150r because it is mosy definitely unlike any four-stroke ever built, it is if its a four-stoke on steroids.