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Q: Does Sammy from fetch have a boyfriend?
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Does jay like harsha in fetch with rough roughman?

no he likes Sammy i think Sammy and jay are boyfriend and girlfriend

How old is Sammy from fetch with ruff ruffman?

Sammy was 12 when filming fetch in 2007

What is sammy's last name from fetch with ruff ruffman?

Sammy's last name from "Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman" is Muler.

Where does Sammy on FETCH with Ruff Ruffman live?

Sammy lives in Boston, Massachussets.

Who is liza's boyfriend from fetch?

hes not from fetch

How old is Sammy from fetch with ruff ruffman season 3?

Sammy is about 14 years old

How old is Sammy on fetch with ruff ruffman now?


Who is Sam from Fetch with Ruff Ruffman?

There is Sam and Sammy. Sammy is a girl with dark brown hair. Sam is a boy with blond hair. He is not on Fetch each year though. So you should check each year maybe to see if he is on Fetch.

How old is Sammy on fetch with ruff ruffman season 3?

she is 10 or 11

Who are the season 3 contestants in fetch with rough roughman?

The contestants are: Harsha Noel Sammy Sam DJ Jay

Does Isaac from fetch have a girlfriend?

Isac has the cutest girfriend of all her name is Talia Patapoutia in fetch. They are girlfriend and boyfriend. Actually, hate to burst your bubble, but I know Isaac personally and he's gay... with a boyfriend

What will the new contestints for FETCH Season 3?

Their names are Sammy, Harsha, Noel, Sam ,Jay and DJ -Thomas Coe