Sammy Sosa goes by Slammin' Sammy.
Sam Carmichael goes by Sammy C.
Samantha Feigel goes by Sami.
Her name is Brandi Baugh from Azusa Ca
Sammy Cesare is 5' 7".
Sammy Baugh is 6' 2".
Sammy Baugh's birth name is Baugh, Samuel Adrian.
Jonathon Baugh goes by Tank.
Sammy Baugh passed away. He is no longer with us.
Sammy Baugh was born on March 17, 1914.
Sammy Baugh Trophy was created in 1959.
Sammy Baugh was born on March 17, 1914.
Sammy Baugh died on December 17, 2008 at the age of 94.
Sammy Baugh died on December 17, 2008 at the age of 94.
In 1968, Chuck Hixson of SMU won the Sammy Baugh Trophy.
In 1969, Mike Phipps of Purdue won the Sammy Baugh Trophy.
In 1971, John Reaves of Florida won the Sammy Baugh Trophy.