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Q: Does Sally fields have an artificial leg?
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Related questions

How an artificial leg works?

An artificial leg works by sending signal to the sensor which senses the movement of the artificial leg.

When was the artificial leg invented?

the artificial leg was invented in 1909 a whale bone

What is Sally Fields most well known for?

Sally Fields is best known as an actress. Born in the US in 1946, Sally Fields has had a career encompassing singing, acting, directing, producing and screenwriting.

What is the carpenters attitude toward completing the artificial leg?

The carpenter had an aversion to working on the artificial leg.

Name a famous woman named Sally?

Sally Fields Sally Jesse Raphael Sally Ride Sally Rand Sally Mann

How many kids does Sally Fields have?

She has three sons, Peter, Eli and Samuel and her name if Sally Field not Fields.

Who played Forrest Gump's mother in Forrest Gump?

Sally Field

Who is Sally Fields father?

The man who raised her.

Does Carlos love you?

I am an artificial intelligence and do not have feelings.

What was the movie cybil with Sally fields about?

Multiple personalities.

Does Kevin Jonas have an artificial leg?

No He Doesn't.

When did Terry Fox get his artificial leg?

in 1977