Burt Reynolds was born on February 11, 1936
No, Burt Reynolds is not single.
if you mean Burt Reynolds, he has been married several times, so he more than likely is straight, if he is gay, that would be his private business.
Carrie (Sally Fields) asks Bandit "do you ever take that hat off?" the Bandit flirtatiously replies "I only take it off for one thing" the Bandit/ Bo Darville/ Burt Reynolds was definitely wearing some kind of bulky undergarment as it is clearly noticeable in the scene prior to him removing his hat before having the playful time with Carrie, the runaway bride) Sally Fields he was wearing the crimson red shirt and it's obvious there's what appears to be a girdle of adult diaper or possibly a back or kidney support device. The other noticeable scene of him wearing something bulky like a diaper was shortly after he and Sally had their One Thing love encounter and he was driving the Trans Am while she was laying in the passenger seat, her feet toward the passenger door and her head toward his lap as she looked up through the cars open T-top while Burt Reynolds (Bandit) was talking on the CB radio to someone.
They were actually never married. They dated for many years (approx. 8yrs) but she said no everytime Burt ask her to marry him and it eventually broke them up.
sally field
1988 - 1993
yes, her name was Loni
burt reyolnds
Burt Reynolds was born on February 11, 1936
No, Burt Reynolds is not single.
Burt Reynolds has 1 child
Yes, Burt Reynolds has 1 kids
Burt Reynolds was born on February 11, 1936
Burt Reynolds was born on February 11, 1936.
Burt Reynolds