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Rosalie doesnt have an extra gift/ability. There are some vampires that do possesses a talent or ability such as Alice being able to see the furture, Jasper controlling emotions, Edward being able to read minds, and Bella begging able to project her shield. Carlisle has a theory that vampires that have a specail ability is jsut that it was what they were good at when they were human. Jasper, when he was human, could calm people down. His words were naturally very convincing. But then you have vampires that don't have a special ability like Carlisle, Esme and Emmett. Rosalie is one of the vampires that do not have a ability or supernatural talent.

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No Rosalie is actually rather envious of Bella's mortality.

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Q: Does Rosalie like being a vampire?
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What does Rosalie hale smell like?

like a vampire(whatever that smells like) probably the thing that smells best to you.

Why are they changing Rosalie in the middle of the Twilight series?

Carlisle avenged Rosalie because he found her on the street, almost dead. Carlisle can't stand seeing people in pain and agony that he avenged her after she was raped by her very own fiance`. Though Rosalie doesn't like being a vampire, if she really had the choice, she would of said no. She would trade anything in the world to be human again, she would even trade her beauty. That is why Rosalie doesn't want Bella to become a Vampire. HOPE THIS HELPS!!

Did Rosalie Hale hate Bella Swan?

It was more jealousy than actual hate. Rosalie had a crush on Edward, and Carlisle and Esme hoped they would get together, but Edward didn't like Rosalie's attitude. When Rosalie became a vampire, she couldn't have children, but Bella could and that upset Rosalie even more. When Renesmee was born and Bella became a vampire, their relationship became a sisterly bond.

How old was Rosalie changed into vampire?

week or days before her wedding,, she was saved by Carlisle.

What is Emmet's backstory?

Emmett's back story is he was mauled by a bear and was found by Rosalie while she was hunting. She carried him on her back and traveled for 100 miles until she found Carlisle. Rosalie then asked Carlisle to change Emmett into a vampire because Emmett reminded Rosalie of one of her friend's sons. Emmett and Rosalie are now married.

Related questions

Who hates Bella in Edwards family?

Rosalie does not like Bella all that much. Carslile created Rosalie for Edward. And Rosalie does not like that Bella wants to give up being human for being a vampire.

Does Rosalie ever start not being jealous of Bella?

Rosalie is jealous of Bella because Bella has the choice about becoming a vampire or not and in Breaking Dawn when Bella becomes a vampire Rosalie was a bit angry. I think Rosalie stops being jealous of Bella after that but then when Bella has Renesmee Rosalie turns kinda jealous again.

Who besides Rosalie votes against Bella being changed into a vampire?


Who voted no to turn Bella into a vampire?

Rosalie and Edward

WHAT YEAR did Emmett turn into a vampire?

After being mauled by a bear in 1935, Emmett was rescued by Rosalie Hale, and given a second chance at life after being transformed into a vampire by Carlisle Cullen at her request. Rosalie and Emmett were rarely parted after this, being that they were true soul mates.

Is Rosalie from twilght a bad vampire?

No I just thing she hates new comers and she hates being a vampire cause it just happened to her

Who else voted against changing Bella into a vampire?

Rosalie Hale and Edward Cullen voted against Bella being turned into a vampire.

When was Rosalie Hale changed into a vampire?

Rosalie always wanted a baby.She found a man who was able to give this to her, but one day he got drunk and beat her down. Rosalie was about to die when Carlisle and Edward found her, carried her home to their place and Carlisle bit her.

Did Rosalie die in breaking dawn as a vampire?

Rosalie doesn't die.

Why does Rosalie NOT want to have Bella turn into a vampire?

Rosalie doesn't think Bella should want to be a vampire. She was forced into this state against her will, and she would rather be dead than be a vampire. Bella is still young, and Rosalie thinks it's stupid to want to throw her life away like that. There is much of her human life that Rosalie would kill to have, but Bella doesn't care about any of it.

What does Rosalie hale smell like?

like a vampire(whatever that smells like) probably the thing that smells best to you.

Does Rosalie keep Reneesme in Breaking Dawn?

No, Bella survives by being transformed into a vampire and keeps the baby.