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Bits and pieces. He still remembers things about Katniss like her liking of lamb stew, her favorite color is green, and things like that. Some of his memories are still jumbled, so Katniss plays "Real or not Real?" with him a lot. He will never be the same but he still remembers how much he loves Katniss at the end.

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12y ago

Hes hi-jacked when hes taken hostage by the capitol after the big explosion in the quarter quell Hunger Games, they change all his memories and make him believe that Katniss is evil and that shes one of the capitols mutations, he tells everyone at district 13 that they shouldnt trust her because of how bad she is. The first time he sees her after hes been back in distict 13 he tries to strangle her :( its really sad...

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13y ago

President Snow hy-jacked his memory and emotions with traker-jacker venom witch made Peeta think Katniss was the enemy.

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12y ago

The capital used tracker jacker venom to hijack him and twist his memories so that all of his memories of katniss were really bad so that he would try to kill her

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Peeta Mellark is a fictional character, he does not have an IM screen name.