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Naruto is a very naive guy, it is unclear whether he fall in love with her or not, and vice versa. In the end of the movie Shion shows somewhat interest in Naruto, you can tell by an indirect question she gives him, which she really is asking him to be the father of her children, which his team mates knew what she meant...Naruto of course didn't get it and replied. "Sure, I'll give it all I've got."

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Q: Does Naruto and shion fall in love in the Shippuden movie?
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Does shion die in Naruto movie 4?

No he doesnt! Its all a lie! His death you saw in the preview was just a prediction and a nightmare the girl was having. And of course in the end, Naruto converted her and made her believe in herself. And his destiny was changed.actuly naruto dosent die. konahamoro dies. he was transformed in to naruto. naruto dosent belive konahamoru is dead.BTW it's Konohamaru. Konohamaru dies aww that's dumb why he gotta die. Konahamaru had to turn to Naruto and get him self killed, well might have had a reason.

Will their be naruto Shippuden game on playstation3?

Will there be a Naruto Shippuden game on the PlayStation 3?Yes, it is titled Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and will also be available for the Xbox 360. It was first called "Naruto Shippuden: PS3 Project" or "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Project", I'm not really sure. The game will be available Fall 2010 for Europe, North America, and Japan.

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naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 2 this fall!

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i dont think so becaus sakura is starting to fall for naruto

Does ino like naruto in Shippuden?

yes cause she said she could fall for him

When does Ultimate Ninja 5 Naruto shippuden come out?

it come out around fall which is in November

Will there be a Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5?

Yes it should be coming out fall 2009

When is naruto shippuden coming to America and what channel is it and When is the date its coming?

In the fall and it well air on disneyxd.

Where do you watch naruto Shippuden movies?

dude just go on youtube they tell ya fall info's

When is a new Naruto game for xbox360 coming out?

Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 2 is coming out in fall for 360 and ps3 so u should get it.