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nbot really sure but i think not

She hasn't showed any feelings for him

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Yes she does like him a little bit in the very end of Naruto Shippuden, where she says she might fall for naruto.

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Q: Does Ino like Naruto
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Who does sai from naruto like?

Ino Yamanaka

Who does Ino like in naruto?

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naruto will kill ino, ino is the weakest ninja in kanoha

Is Ino narto's friend?

if you meant naruto, then yes. ino and naruto were among the Konoha 11 squad hwoever, ino and naruto seldom have much connections

What is Ino's full name in Naruto?

Ino Yamanaka .

Do Sasuke like Ino?

No. Sasuke Uchiha doesn't like anyone in Naruto.

Does Ino like Shikamaru in Naruto?

well kinda but i would say no

Does Ino die on Naruto or Naruto Shippuden?

She hasn't and probably won't. Since she has proven to be an important asset to the Great Ninja War.

Are there any for sure couples in Naruto?

yes-like sai and ino,tenten and neji,naruto and hinata....... and more.

Does ino like naruto in Shippuden?

yes cause she said she could fall for him

What episode did Ino where a kimono?

It is in Naruto, episode 192 'Ino screams! Chubby Paradise'.Note: Available to watch Naruto or Naruto Shippuden episodes at

Who hates Naruto?

ino and girls