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No Its real! But they look like bottle blondes cuz they're so tan. :)

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Q: Does Miley and Becky rosso have dyed hair?
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Are Becky and Miley rosso natural blondies?

Yea they are...their hair just looks dyed because they are so tanned.

What color is Miley and Becky rosso's hair?


How do you look like Miley and Becky rosso?

- Long Hair, with fringe.- Smile.

When was Miley Cyrus's hair black?

when she dyed it black

What color hair does Miley Cyrus have?

Miley Cyrus naturally has brownish with blonde streaks, it naturally curly, but sometime she straightens it. In 2006 when Miley found out she had landed the part of Hannah Montana she dyed her hair blonde to celebrate. In 2008 after her breakup with Nick Jonas she dyed her hair black to show her mourning. These aren't the only times she dyed her but are probably the most famous

Why did miley dye her hair black?

she dyed her hair black because nick just broke up with her

Has miley had her hair cut?

She has had it cut and has dyed it blond. Her hair is now cut very short like a boy.

What was the date that Miley Cyrus dyed her hair black?

Grammy's 2008 March 14 2008

Is Miley Cyrus a red head?

no her hair naturally brown but she dyed her hair reddish brownish as you can see on Hannah Montana Forever.

What is miley's real hair color?

Miley's real hair is like a browish colour. When she was at least 14 or 15 she had blonde highlights And at the age of 16 she dyed it sort of like a light redish colour.

Has Miley Cyrus ever had red hair before?

No she has brown hair. but she dyed it a strawberry blonde kind of a color a while ago

Did Miley dye Noah Cyrus' hair?

No, Miey did not dye Noah's hair. There has been no reports, or even rumors by paparazzi that Miley Cyrus has done this. Besides, Noah's hair is natural. Plus, Noah is only about 10 or 11 at the current moment- she wouldn't get her hair dyed at that age if her parents are normal.