Destiny Hope Cyrus, who goes by her stage name, Miley Ray Cyrus, (b. 23 November 1992) is an American actress and recording artist. She has been photographed taking a smoking break, blowing smoke in her videos and in 2013 she admitted on Jimmy Kimmel that she has smoked weed.
Miley Cyrus has done crack and meth molly but she absolutely will not do cocaine . so there's your answer
Yes. Because if you go on Google and search up Miley Cyrus smoking or smoking weed hey will show a pic of her smoking with her friends.
it is true go on YouTube and type miley smokes and it shows u so dont get mad about the truth
She was smoking a natural herb called salvia which has psychedelic qualities. Possession of salvia is legal in California.
I believe it was miley cyrus kim k and some others...
K, she is probably too young to know who the golden girls where
Daniel Boone (born in Pennsylvania) Elvis Presley (born in Mississippi) Oprah Winfrey (born in Mississippi) Sgt. Alvin York Emmett Kelly (famous clown) Wilma Rudolph Quentin Tarantino Morgan Freeman Justin Timberlake Miley Cyrus -- Of the three US Presidents from Tennessee, Andrew Jackson was born in North Carolina, and both James K. Polk and Andrew Johnson were born in South Carolina. Vice President Al Gore was bon in Tennessee.
Its not her real number. Its a phone number for fans to call. It costs money to call her fan phone number. {improved} IT IS F-A-K-E!
Lily: Miley,you look awful! Miley: Thanks for the compliment----------NOT! Miley: Lily, promise you won't tell anybody, but I've got a secret. Lily: I know!I know! By day, you lead a completely normal life as a middle school student, but by night, your America's number one teenage rock star , but nobody knows because you wear a long blonde wig. It must be so much fun!! Miley: It sure is! But last night things got a little out of hand. (giggles sarcastically) But after my concert at Noxberry Farm - I went to the bar in the viper room! (shakes Lily to get attention) Lily; A bar? But your underage! How'd you get in? Miley: Through the front door ding-dong! (Lily looks offended) Miley: But anyway, I was doing tequila poppers with that fat kid from two and a half men, when my dealer shows up and says: Dealer Diddy, havin' a party in Bel-Air Lily: P Diddy, the rapper? Miley: Nooo,P Diddy the astronaut. (sarcastic) But anyway, we get to P Diddy's mansion and Lance Armstrong and Matthew Maconahay are smoking a joint with Amy Whitehough! Lily: Oh my gosh! Matthew Maconahay?What's he like? Miley: Like a dirty sock rapped around a ties tick. (Miley smells his armpit) Matthew Maconahay : A man needs to smell like a man. (farts) Miley: Anyway, Diddy says: P Diddy: Hey Hannah? Why don't you make out with fame? Lily: Ga-ross Miley: I know! But P Diddy told me to ------And he's P Diddy! And Amy Whitehough says: Amy Whitehough : K, letsa kiss Hannah! (pucker's up) Miley:OK, so we start making out and blowing pot smoke in each others mouth but that weed was definitely laced with something because the next thing I know Matthew Maconahay brings in a stripper, I get a lap dance from her, and then we all do cocaine off her butt! P Diddy caught it all on his camera phone and now it's all on the Internet! Lily: Oh no Miley what are you gonna do????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???!!!! Miley:Sing a song about it! (Lily rolls her eyes and nods) Miley's/Hannah Montana's song (Sorry, I couldn't get the lyrics)
yes i think so
i have no idea k?
She doesnt try.She is cool . k thanksbye (: from me:Don't k thanksbye me. That's rude.
ME!!!!!! Camryn K.!!!!! No one in this world is a bigger fan that ME!!!!!!!!!! MILEY CYRUS ROCKS!!!! I wanted her to win the part of Miley!!!! I KNEW she would. That's when I became her #1 fan. Remember, IM her #1 fan!!!
I believe it was miley cyrus kim k and some others...
she is 16 almost 17!nop now miley in 2010 is 22 years old now she's gonna be 23 years old k
its kinda hard but my best friend ever has been in a movie with her in Tennessee and miley's favorite place to find her is in LA., HOLLYWOOD or Tennessee K thanks
K, well Justin hates Miley Cyrus. That's all i think he hates im not sure TENNESSEE B***H LOL J/K EVRY BODY KNOW;SZ DHAT
by being o crac k
If you say miley is better your a f**king retard she is not she hella ugly Selena is way prettier all those who i say f**k miley Selena rocks you idiots who likes miley any way oh wait only b****es like miley awesome ppl like Selena i hate all you miley fans and Selena haters f**k you all
Some believe Miley Cyrus to be heartless, ruthless, or to just not care about anything but herself. This is not the case. Though she does state that she doesn't care what other people think of her because she is always going to be who she is, Miley is a beautiful person. She is kind, generous, and sensitive to other people's feelings and does her best to inspire others to be themselves and see the beauty within.