The song was featuring Michael Jackson, The song was actually Rockwells song, Berry Gordy's son.
I always feel like sombodys watching me remix.Just type that in on youtube ,first one
Marlon Jackson would have had a twin brother (Brandon) but he died at birth
No, Michael Jackson was not related to Mahalia Jackson.
Nobody will be able to say all of them, but here are a few. The words they make are in capitals: michael jackSON (Son) MichAel jacksoN (Man) miCHaEl jaCKson (Check) michaEl jackSON (Nose) micHaEl jACkson (Ache)
Michael Jackson from the Jackson 5 was not in Bugsy Malone, it was another Michael Jackson.
Jermaine and Michael Jackson.
You could get it easly by watching a tutorial on How to do Michael Jackson slide. There are A LOT tutorials on Youtube.
According to Michael it was watching the masters at work. "The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work".
I always feel like sombodys watching me remix.Just type that in on youtube ,first one
According to him, watching the masters at work.
will you be there
LaToya and Janet Jackson.
Only if his spirit is out there someone watching us.
Remember the Time.
Michael Jackson spent is 50th birthday eating cake and watching cartoons with his three children. It is not known if, at this age, he had a favorite cartoon or not.
i believe he is needed for the background of the chorus in "WE ARE THE WORLD"