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In her video for 'Bad Romance' she has a sphynx cat. so yes she does have a sphynx cat

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Q: Does Lady Gaga have a sphynx cat?
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What type of cat breed is a hairless Cat?

Sphynx Cats also known as Canadian Hairless

Who designs lady gaga's albums?

A cat!!

Who is more famous Lady Gaga or Felix The Cat?

Lady gaga is way more famous than filix

Who wrote the poem naming the cat?

Lady gaga

Did Lady Gaga copy cascada?

ya lady gagas a copy cat .

What is Lady Gaga's favorite pet?

its nether a cat or a fish its a poodle!

What band did Lady GaGa produce songs for?

The Pussy Cat Dolls

Is the Sphynx cat breed popular in America?

Yes, the Sphynx cat breed is a very popular breed in America.

Did Lady Gaga have a dog or cat?

No one really knows yet. Although, she said that she is a cat person.

What is the scientific name for the Sphynx Cat?

The scientific name for the Sphynx cat is Felis catus.

What are the names of Lady Gaga's pets?

I think you have two dogs one cat three rabbies one hamster or six fishes.From Kirsty we love you Lady GaGa

The sphynx is a cat breed also known by what other name?

The Sphynx cat breed is also known as the Canadian Hairless cat.