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No. She's bisexual, not transsexual or intersexed. An example of a transsexual would be someone born a man, who underwent surgery to live as a woman, or vice-versa. Intersexuality includes a number of different conditions, including hermaphroditism, aphallia, agenesis, Klinefelter syndrome, and several others. If you've heard a doctor refer to someone with "ambiguous genitalia"... that's a form of intersexuality.

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15y ago
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15y ago

No. She is a natural born female. Natural name: Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.

no she has both Google it ask if sghe is a hamaphridite and click the website that says Yahoo answers

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15y ago

Lady Gaga does not have ant male parts. she is 100% female and has only female parts. so dont believe that she has man parts

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No. Lady GaGa is a girl with female parts.

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Colbie O'donnis