Yes she loves him deeply, and Kira and Lacus proves to be one if not the most strongly implied relationship through the entire series, as there feelings are never doubted through actions nor words and their affection only grows and develops as the series progresses.
At the end of Gundam Seed episode 7, The Scar of Space. She's rescued from a life pod by Kira.
This is never confirmed but a common theory is due to Kira's relation with Flay (*Spoilers* ahead for those who haven't seen SEED) Flays death really showed to have an affect on Kira as he switched from his new found pacifistic fighting style when he acquired the Freedom to killing Rau Le Creuset. Also Kira was manipulated into sleeping with Flay, so this might also have affected his relationship with Lacus. This is seen as when he wakes up after learning the truth of his origin (the Ultimate Coordinator), Lacus is leaning over him,and he has a flashback of Flay leaning over him when they slept together causing him to tilt his head away from Lacus. However with all this said, it is still strongly implied that Kira and Lacus love each other deeply and they prove to be one of the most solidified relationships in SEED and Destiny leaving little to no doubt concerning their relationship.
First of all, in gundam seed Athrun was engaged to Lacus Clyne. Athrun met Cagalli when Cagalli crashed the Sky Grasper into an island where Athrun got dropped off to. But since Lacus betrayed ZAFT because of giving Kira Yamato Freedom, their marriage got annulled. In gundam seed destiny, Cagalli and Athrun are the love birds.
there no solid evidence to say that they are going to marry but judging from all the bit and pieces of shot and scene they have together, and the way they care for one and another especially in Gundam SEED destiny, their no dote that it a highly like outcome that they will engage in much more deeper and series relationship
Kira Brannlund is 5' 7".
She loves Athrun more.
HELL YEAH! Lacus jumps off a plain for Kira. then she learns that hes cheating. then they beet each other up. then Lacus proposes and she says "WHAT THE F*** I HATE YOU YOU A** HOLE i will marry you." love that show
Kira and Lacus have never kissed on the lips on camera. However, there have been scenes where the two of them have kissed each other on the cheek.
At the end of Gundam Seed episode 7, The Scar of Space. She's rescued from a life pod by Kira.
Gundam SEED Destiny Episode 26 The Promise
This is never confirmed but a common theory is due to Kira's relation with Flay (*Spoilers* ahead for those who haven't seen SEED) Flays death really showed to have an affect on Kira as he switched from his new found pacifistic fighting style when he acquired the Freedom to killing Rau Le Creuset. Also Kira was manipulated into sleeping with Flay, so this might also have affected his relationship with Lacus. This is seen as when he wakes up after learning the truth of his origin (the Ultimate Coordinator), Lacus is leaning over him,and he has a flashback of Flay leaning over him when they slept together causing him to tilt his head away from Lacus. However with all this said, it is still strongly implied that Kira and Lacus love each other deeply and they prove to be one of the most solidified relationships in SEED and Destiny leaving little to no doubt concerning their relationship.
Did she hate Lacus? No. Did she have a general dislike/distrust of ALL Coordinators during the first half of the series? Yes. Is Lacus a Coordinator? Yes. It wasn't that Fllay disliked Lacus personally; she didn't even know her. But she was raised in the Atlantic Federation, and her dad was the Vice Foreign Minister of the Earth Alliance, so she she was, as many have stated,"racist" against all Coordinators (save for Kira in the very beginning) due to her ignorance since she's only been exposed to anti-Coordinator viewpoints her entire life. Lacus was just another Coordinator, so she didn't trust her, or give her a chance. (Though Fllay's personality and viewpoint changes dramatically by the end of the series.) She would've probably gotten along with Lacus after everything was over if given the chance, although the whole Kira thing would've been interesting to see play out....
First of all, in gundam seed Athrun was engaged to Lacus Clyne. Athrun met Cagalli when Cagalli crashed the Sky Grasper into an island where Athrun got dropped off to. But since Lacus betrayed ZAFT because of giving Kira Yamato Freedom, their marriage got annulled. In gundam seed destiny, Cagalli and Athrun are the love birds.
I would go for Kira Yamato cos he's calm analytical yet not Byronic and most of all he's in love dude!!! He sorted out his own issues on HIS OWN and his character developed well as the story progressed. If he hadn't got distracted he could have won that fight with Shin. He's not hot headed, well with Lacus beside him why would he be? Hahahaha....
Lacus Clyne was created in 2002.
jack does ;)