Kevin Jonas is the oldest Jonas Brothers He is also married and is kind of unattractive. And really wild.
Nicholas Jerry Jonas Paul Kevin Jonas ll Joseph Adam Jonas ♫
Nicholas Jerry JonasJoseph Adam JonasPaul Kevin Jonas IIand their little brotherFranklin Nathaniel Jonas
Kevin Jonas birth name is paul Kevin Jonas IIKevin Jonas birth name is paul Kevin Jonas II
Joe & Kevin. but, they wear contacts.
No but joe and Kevin do!
Joe Jonas, along with his brothers Nick Jonas and Kevin Jonas, have many pairs of sunglasses.
I dont know I dont watch it
Joe Jonas wears glasses in the Love Bug video.
Ray ban
No! Kevin is too old to wear flower underwear. Besides, flowers are girly.
the Jonas brothers all can or cant be naersighted actually they are not because they don't wear glasses or contacts
hes probably gonna wear a tuxedo like a black and white one but watev i hate him KEVIN JONAS IS SO UGLYYY
lmaoooo NO!! they all wear purity ringss!