Justin Bieber likes girls who are confident with the way they look and their shape if you ever meet him just be your self! and I'm sure that he wouldn't be so shallow as to not like skinny girls :)
he wears tracky bottoms no socks nickers and flip flops and a weener
Yes lil Wayne does wear skinny jeans if you look him up right now he mostly wears skinny jeans...i mean maybe not on his free time but when he gotta do a show or u kno go on television and stuff he wears skinny jeans...Google images lilwayne skinny jeans... Lil Wayne does NOT wear skinny jeans. He wears slim straight jeans and saggs them down below his bottom and the calls them skinny jeans. He's really just a poser.
No. he were's baggy jeans
you can baisiclly wear anything with skinny jeans. you can wear a t-shirt or a nice flowly top and always make sure you accesorize. :)
Miley Cyrus has been photographed wearing several styles of jeans. She wears skinny jeans, boyfriend jeans, boot cut jeans, and other types.
brown,black,etc. he has a lot of color.
Skinny Jeans.
his fav pants r his black skiny jeansskinny jeans!Purple skinny jeans! Dont ask me what size!
yes he does like skinny jeans. yes he loves skinny jeans like COL. dull he look so hot in them
Its a jean that is skinny and baggy at the same time like Justin Bieber wears.
as much as he could imagine
shoesHe likes his black skinny jeans, white t-shirt, gray sweat shirt, and his high-top shoes.probably a zip up hoodie and jeans...he wears that alot.purple shirt and skinny jeans
He does like girls that wear skinny jeans! he wears skinnys most of the time!
Justin Bieber almost always wears his tight hot pink skinny jeans. P.S i think he is gay
Justin biebers style is he always wheres skinny jeans his favorite color is purple and he likes plaid.
skinny jeans, t-shirt, hoodie, and supra sneakers