yes in half blood prince she says her father gets bitten while working and she laughs about it
no, you probably have a different or mild sense of humor : )
sense of humor of course!
yes. when him and his brothers were little & they were on tour or something like that, they would always play pranks on each other and other people & he still had a sense of humor in his later years :)
There are many good things to say to a boy you like with a good sense of humor. You could say, "God loves you and so do his creations like me."
He likes girls with character and a great sense of humor.
It's okay to exhibit a sense of humor, but don't clown around. Take your cue from the interviewer.
what is sense of humor
Because they have a sense of humor retard
No reason. Love doesn't have reason. It could be that Ginny Weasley has a much better sense of humor than either Cho Chang or Hermione Granger that she is a better fit for Harry. Both of the other female characters are more stoic and serious and Harry needs someone he can have a laugh with.
Odd sense of humor; peculiar sense of humor. It is means you have a different sense of humor than most people and when people say this, they mean it as a good thing.
A sense of humor is a specific trait in which someone can both appreciate humor and express humor.
As animals do not have the same cognitive abilities as humans, it is not accurate to say that any animal has a sense of humor. Some animals may exhibit what appears to be playful behavior, but this is typically for purposes such as social bonding or learning rather than humor.
A good sense of humor is subtle. A good sense of humor is sharp.
Humor is like a sense in some ways; it's not just about being funny. It is having the sense to know when to use humor and when humor is being used. People who are said to have a poor sense of humor are people who don't get most jokes.
Humor is like a sense in some ways; it's not just about being funny. It is having the sense to know when to use humor and when humor is being used. People who are said to have a poor sense of humor are people who don't get most jokes.
Did Vikings Have A Sense Of Humor?No Viking Had No Sense Of Humor What So Ever.ignore the people above, vikings were normal people just like you and me except that they live in a different time period so of course they had a sense of humor.
Generally, a sense of humor that hasn't matured with the chronological age of the individual. Fans of "Jackass," for example, are often considered to have a childish sense of humor.