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no, you probably have a different or mild sense of humor : )

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Q: Can you not have at sense of Humor by not Laughing at Funny People or TV Shows?
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Why do tv shows always have people laughing in the background?

Because they think it's funny every time the characters say and do something stupid.

What does it mean when you and a boy laugh a lot even when nothing's that funny?

Laughing a lot with someone, even when nothing seems that funny, can be a sign of good chemistry and a strong connection. It shows that you both enjoy each other's company and have a similar sense of humor, creating a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere between you.

What does it mean when you don't think comedies or TV shows or comedians are funny but you think random things are funny?

Random things are amusing because they are random and unexpected.Sitcoms are at times funny, and at times a tad unrealistic and the thought of getting away with saying/doing something, like on the sitcoms is funny because it is an element of shock and is random..yet at times it is predictable and stupid.Where as genuine people doing/saying random,unscripted things is hilarious.good humor,a good laugh...I love it..It probably means that you have a genuine sense of humor. You would probably find old comedy movies(black&white) funny.Another AnswerComedy is a difficult area for an entertainer to be in. They are few and far between. I don't see too many TV programs where I can say I got many laughs and I have a good sense of humor. Just because it's a TV Comedy show doesn't mean it's funny and often they have 'canned' laughing (meaning it's not real and dubbed in. There may be some areas in the TV program that give you a laugh, but not often. Another AnswerIt could actually mean several things, but from the Paranoid point of view, if all, not most but all of conventional humor is unfunny to you, and random events that are not considered funny by others are funny to you, this might be a psychological warning sign that should be discussed with a professional psychologist. A good test would be to try and see if a group of friends finds what you think is a funny random thing as funny, and if not, trying to explain to them why it is funny. If a couple of them gets your point of view, you are probably fine. If they all look at you like you just said a horrible thing, something might be wrong. Random OpinionsIt is just the way you are, and eventually, people will think you are funny.You don't get the jokes?Well, if you just start laughing, you could be psychoticIt means you don't find comedies, T.V. shows or comedians to be very funny but you find random events to be funny.It simply means that you have your own brand of humor, nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. A lot of the TV shows and comedies aren't funny. Some of us don't equate stupid with funny, we don't buy into the whole, "So stupid it's funny," mentality.

What made sesame street shows special?

They appealed to people with their puppets and humor.

Why do people like to watch puppet shows?

There are so many reasons why people like to watch puppet shows. For most people, this is a form of entertainment and they watch them for humor.

Is It bad to not Laugh?

Well I've heard laughing can add 8 years to your life, and also it shows you have a sense of humor and can also show that you like a person. But technically there's really no problem with it.

What are some good tv shows to watch my favorite shows are friends Gossip Girl Grey's Anatomy and Merlin this sounds very different but any shows you like with attractive funny people is good?

Psych and The Glades are both really good shows. They are detective shows with very funny and attractive people.

Where can one watch free funny videos?

There are many places to watch funny videos for free online. YouTube is an ideal place to start, as well as College Humor and Funny or Die. Hulu also offer free comedy clips from popular comedy shows and comedy television programs.

How do you use Humor in sentence?

Most comedy shows are best for their great humor.

Why do people think it funny if you make fun of someone?

When you or anyone else bullies or pokes fun at another person and some people think it's funny it is either because they have a warped sense of humor; they are extremely immature or they simply want to be one of the crowd. There is no humor in poking fun at another person and it's cruel and vicious and shows how ignorant the person doing it truly is. People may laugh along with you, but many of those people will talk behind your back and consider you cruel and unworthy of being of any importance because they know if you poke fun to hurt another persons feelings you will probably do it to one of the other people that think you are being funny. You'll end up the loser!

Why were audiences attracted to the Nickelodeons?

Audiences are attracted to Nickelodeon because of the shows they have on there. Many people love the shows and love how they could be funny.

Why do some people watch only cartoons?

Some people just prefer the funny, less realistic shows.