Hannah Montana is a character in a TV show. It is up to the scriptwriters whether the character has a boyfriend or not.
Miley/Hannah had two serious boyfriends during the show: Leslie "Jake" Ryan (Cody Linley) and then Jesse (Drew Roy) in seasons 3 and 4. I think eventually it will be the brad carty.
This is from A true Vermonter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though she is gonna be a acholoic and do drugs and get pregant alot because shes like every other pop star spoiled lil brat!!!! I hate 'em. She already took "bad" pics of her self so she is not miture enof 2 be on diney!!!!! I mean whats next???? Being on TV so young is a bad thing!!!!!!!! She is a spoiled lil brat just like Brityspears and her lil sister because their parents can take control over the situation! all they want 2 do is be on TV and get fame, but if they've noticed their children r turining into ...... this is world widfe so i cant swear there might be lil kids. I wish parents could take control once in a while, with all the wars and drugs and murder i think its surprising that im still alive! i for one would like 2 inherit a clean world woth PEASE not this lil goofy thing! There are so many things that we need to fix like yellow stone, metiers (cant spell), earthqueks(...) and so much more! If we all just joined 2gether 2 work 2gether and use money for usefull things instead of war we could call everyone PLANET EARTH instead of haveing UNUNITED nations like USA (united states? we need a United world!) and Russia, Canada, China, Japan, we all just need 2 be called UNITED EARTH. Think about all the money and deaths that have happend in this war! There probably was someone whos really smart who was shot dead when we could have used his knowledge for finding a cure 2 the common cold or 2 diebedies, maby even hunger!!!! But instead it turned out 2 be a death which if u kill enof it might someday be u! Think about the second side of the story, im a USA kid(12)but i want pease, WHY WOULD TERRERISTS ATTACK OUR CONTRY IF WE HELPED THEM FOR ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY WOULD HAVE OUR BACK LIKE WE WOULD HAVE THEIRS!!! INSTEAD OF THE DEATH OF INISANT CHILDREN WHO HAD NOTHIN 2 DO WITH IT! I mean i didnt do anything, i still want 2 live my life like a normal kid. I still want my dad and my mom there. I don't want 2 here that across the world there is hunger and death, I WANT U 2 SHARE THE WORLD WITH ME!!! I don't want 2 c people out in the middle of the ocean drowning like the titanic. I don't want 2 here my freinds cry and die, i can hardly live with my freinds moving. But i must move on, i can do anything about it, who the heck would listen 2 a kid, I mean who would listen 2 a Vermonter. The Government doesnt even metion Vermonts opinion on anything. Government hardly mentions on and voting lists at all! i mean whos now gonna read this, its from a kid, a vermonter. U guys know the song one voise was heard??? well.... in this case no voise was heard. Please if anyone reads this please reconise this is from a 12 year old kid, how often do u here a kid swear??? like alot! u just don't here it, but its there! How often do u here a metior or a Volcanoe? u don't, but its there! How often do u here military tactics or baces??? U DONT BUT ITS THERE! Im a cristian, but im not gonna try 2 preach 2 u or anything, ot convert u or something like that, but GOD is there!
On the show "Hannah Montana" no, does not have a boyfriend i think in this part of the show. In "Real Life" Miley Cyrus is dating Liam Hemsworth, her coastar in "The Last Song".
It was Hannah Montana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really like Hannah Montana the show !!!!
Hannah Montana, the character, is fiction. Hannah Montana is not a real person. But, Miley Cyrus, is non fiction. Miley Cyrus plays the character of Hannah Montana on the show, Hannah Montana.
" Best of Both Worlds"Hannah Montana's first song was ''Best of Both worlds''.Hannah Montana's first song is "This Is The Life" it is NOT "Best of Both Worlds"
no wat kind of movie wuld it be if she dies in it ?
Hannah Montana - not sure but Miley Cyrus is sagittarius .
no she has a boyfriend
Hannah has a crush on nick Jonas
no Emily osment does not have a boyfriend!
Well, I'm talking about Hannah Quinn and not Hannah Montana and her boyfriend is Robert Pattinson. Just to let you know.
dick conner
Not that anyone has figured out about...
nobody because she has a boyfriend!
witch Hannah but Hannah Montana is david archuleta
No. If you mean did Hannah Montana go out with Nick, then yes she did. well Miley Cyrus did. Hannah Montana has never dated Nick. Who's Hannah Montana's dating depends on which episode you're talking about.
She does have a boyfriend, he is a 20 year old model. Hannah Montana is messed up. Something is wrong with her.
Yes. Not Hannah Montana unless in some episodes but Miley Cyrus does. His name is Justin Gaston.
The one where lily had a boyfriend actually he was the boyfriend