Some wrestlers have been hit with chairs; but note that this is not an actual wrestling technique, it is just a brawling technique, and it is sometimes used in wrestling matches for purely theatrical purposes.
Gene Simmons is the Kiss member known for having an exceptionally long tongue.
In the book, Chloe kisses Simon because she seem to like him but really, she really likes DEREK, so like at the end of the book they have a nice long kiss and the kiss two times! And they admit they like each other
no,she didn't really do that!
In the manga Hiro tries to kiss Hime but she smacks him because of her friends being in front of her, so no not really.
.Yes they really bleed and NO they do not use fake blood!!
Yep. Injuries Are 100% Real
bob joe dick
No, not really they have to look smart and cool for there fans.
No. They never kiss.
i know they date but that's about it
Yes, but that doesn't make wrestling a sport.
It all depends on if it is intentional or not and if they severely injure the referee if refs press charges after a bad injury and wrestlers never apologize after the event they may press charges or the wrestlers may get fined but it has really never happned in the past. but to summarize it all itf it is an accvident, no there is no fines.
Its just yearning, probably. You wish someone would kiss you like that. Totally natural.
kiss him! or talkto him about it.
because he was really nice and litt Nikki kiss he but on the lips . he really nice
they are not even mad inside the ring!, wrestlers are very well paid athletic actors.