i just wanted to know do they have any other siblings.
hey I'm gonna answer that question. Yes. I'm there brother believe me or not.
My last name is different for a reason though
i wish they did but nope there is no pics of them naked
No because once Bella is a vampire, she cant
He had NO siblings.
Yes she did have siblings
Yes, Maria Mitchell did have siblings. Nine siblings.
The Bella twins have had disagreements and arguments in the past, like any siblings. They may fight due to differences in opinions, jealousy, or misunderstandings. However, they always come back together as a family in the end.
The bella twins are two sisters who are models. They are famous because of WWE wrestling. They have not released any public email ID.
No, you shouldn't need to raise them any differently. Fraternal twins are no more alike than two siblings...i know from experience that most twins like to be treated as, well...not twins. When you think about it, all they really are is siblings that are born at the same time. If you had a son who was 8, and a daughter who was 12; fraternal twins would be no different to these two siblings if they were both 8 or both 12.
i wish they did but nope there is no pics of them naked
No, they are ferternal. They have different colored eyes and one used to be shorter then the other. If you get any of their old movies you can tell. Mary-Kate usually has shorter hair then ashley, but that doesn't make them ferternal.
Yes, fraternal; twins are no more closely;y related than any siblings since they were two separate embryos and two separate fertilized eggs.
He did not have any older brothers or sisters, he had 6 twins or sextuplets
There is no scientific evidence to support the concept of twin telepathy. Identical twins may share a closer bond due to their genetic similarity, but telepathy, which involves communication without physical senses, has not been proven to occur more frequently in identical twins compared to fraternal twins or any other siblings.
Non-identical twins, also known as fraternal twins, result from the fertilization of two different eggs by two different sperm. They are genetically no more similar than regular siblings, sharing about 50% of their DNA. Non-identical twins may or may not look similar, just like any other siblings.
Conjoined twins are two people. They each receive a name, just like any other siblings.
No, siblings do not have similar fingerprints. Each person's fingerprints are unique and are formed randomly during fetal development. This means that even identical twins have different fingerprints.
Yes, it's possible for a mutation in the chromosome to produce otherwise-identical twins with opposite genders. But generally no, identical twins have the same gender. (but fraternal twins have different genders just as often as any siblings)