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jeeze he likes both they dont care they sit thier and say they dont care if they are black or white and Ray Ray says in an interview that he likes people who dont care what people think about them and he said that would be his type of girl and each of them was white so yeah he perfers BOTH!!!!!!! so it dont matter what u are :)

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Q: Do ray ray like white girls or black girls?
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Black girls of course he might pick a white girl if they are cute if he likes the black girls.. he said all girls are cute and he likes black girls okay he doesn't like white girls... he isn't razzes or nothing he just don't wanna date a white girl might like them but he likes black people better ( trust me I know)

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you gone have to ask ray ray that personally .lol :)

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Ray Ray seems to like his girls to wear colors like black, yellow, and red. He is often photographed with girls who are dressed in these colors and he tends to wear those colors himself.

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no because ray ray like girls in the same grade has him. i love u prdigy

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