YouTube Video
Shosaku Numa died in 1992.
Numa Perrier is 5' 6".
Numa - Numa song is from Moldova ( that is Republic of Moldavia) former USSR country. The country is situated in Eastern Europe, East side of Romania and the members of the band, called O-zone, speak Romanian. The song is about the LOve from the linden tree, and NUMA-NUMA is an incorect form of the word ONLY- Only in Romania. Hope this helps !
"Numa Numa" by Ozone (Romanian)
By the numa numa guy doing the numa numa dance
YouTube Video
Numa the Lion died in 1930.
Shosaku Numa died in 1992.
Numa Andoire died on 1994-01-02.
Numa Morikazu died on 1890-05-17.
Numa F. Montet died in 1985.
Numa Ayrinhac died on 1951-03-23.
Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges died in 1889.
numa numa was in numa numa year lol this was from numa numa the girl
he died of old age.
He is a friend if the guy who is hung on the map shi no numa