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yes he did, it was some where near the outer rim on a planet called mygeeto during the clone wars. he was selected as the commander of the army and he died during order number sixty six

Well yes, but he didn't die, he was killed by his own clone troopers during order number 66.

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Q: Did ki-Adi mundi die outside the Jedi temple?
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You can't explore the Jedi Temple in the Xbox version. That's available only in the Wii and PS2 versions

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After the death of Emperor Palpatine and the fall of the Galactic Empire, the temple is still visible in the celebration in the special edition of Return of the Jedi. After episode 6, Luke eventually traveled to the temple and had a new one built. The old one remained standing as a reminder of the power of the Old Jedi Order.

Who is ki Adi mundi's padawan?

Hah, and you call yourself a Jedi Master!Ki-Adi-Mundi had several Padawans over the years, including Anakin Skywalker for a time.His other Padawans included:-Aurra Sing, later left the Jedi Order to become a vicious bounty hunter. She is confirmed to have killed 5 Jedi through assassination. Aayla Secura captured her during the Clone Wars.-A'Sharad Hett, also left the Jedi Order, but turned to the Sith. He was later known as Darth Krayt.-Dama Montalvo, the only one of Mundi's Padawan's that stayed loyal to the Jedi Order. He served as a Clone Commander during the Clone Wars. After Order 66, however, he was imprisoned by the Galactic Empire, and tortured by Darth Vader for information on Obi-Wan Kenobi's whereabouts. After his interrogation turned up nothing, Vader wrathfully snapped his neck.

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you have to play there in conquest mode and get enough points to unlock a hero

Do Jedi live at the Jedi Temple?

Most of them did. Some of them were nomadic, traveling around the galaxy and fighting evil whenever they came across it. Some younglings were trained during missions like this, but most training was primarily at the Jedi Temple