25 years after the events of "A New Hope," during a mission to Sernpidal, a moon collided with the planet and since Han Solo's son, Anakin Solo, was unable to rescue Chewbacca in time before escaping the moon's path, Chewbacca was crushed to death along with several inhabitants who couldn't escape
Yes, Chewbacca dies in the Star Wars novel Vector Prime in the year 25 ABY during the Yuuzhan Vong War
A moon crashed onto him.
Beth Wooke goes by Chewie.
Alexander Buder goes by Chewie, and Buder.
Chewbacca was attempting to free Wookies being sold as slaves to an Imperial commander. When the Imperial found that Chewbacca successfully freed the slaves, he sent Imperial TIE Fighters lead by Lieutenant Han Solo to attack Chebacca's ship. Chewie was knocked unconcious in the process, but when Solo was ordered to kill him, he refused, arguing that the Wookie would be a useful slave. Chewie was rigorously worked by the Imperial commander, and was whipped frequently. Solo realized the cruelty of this and helped Chewbacca escape. The two then became smugglers and traveled the galaxy together until Chewie's death.
I don't know if "scared" is the right word. She was probably worried about what was going to happen to her as well as about what was going to happen to Luke, Han, and Chewie. But she wasn't scared in the sense of being frightened.
A moon crashed onto him.
Jason kills him
Chewie Mon goes by Chewie.
Chewie Mon is 5' 6".
Mick Sharpe goes by Mick Chewie Sharpe, and Chewie.
Chewie Mon's birth name is Cheau-Harn Bow.
Chewie can beat the crap out of anyone. Han Solo can beat the crap out of any one. Indie can beat the crap out of anyone. But Mutt? That kid is HOPELESS!Han and Chewie
Ez-Chewie - 2009 was released on: USA: 14 August 2009 (Fright Night Film Festival)
Chewbacca/ Chewie