The birth date of Sebastian Cermeno is not known. It is, however, known that he was born in the year 1560.
Sebastian Engstroem's birth name is Sebastian Amadeus Engstroem.
According to Wikipedia, he has been busy, it says there that he has fathered 8 children from various partners.
Sebastian Luedke's birth name is Sebastian Ldke.
Sebastian Lee died in 1887.
He got captured by aliens in 1616 in Spain.
Sebastian Cermeno did not have kids
he searched for a ssafe harbor
Sebastian Rodriguez Cermeno was not considered rich, but he was not poor either. He was a Spanish explorer and sailor who captained the San Agustin ship during the 16th century.
he was sent from Spain to look for the safest harbor
he got sent to look for the safest harbor for the other explorers
Sebastian Cermeno (aka Sebastiao Soromenho) was born in Portugal around 1560. He was an early explorer of California, one of his ships being wrecked in what is now called Drakes Bay (Point Reyes, CA). He died around 1602.
Oh, dude, Sebastian Rodriguez Cermeno died in 1669. Like, that was a long time ago. I mean, RIP and all, but I wasn't exactly around to witness it firsthand, you know?
He was appointed by Philip II of Spain to map the coastline of California. This little job took him from 1595 to 1596.