According to Wikipedia, he has been busy, it says there that he has fathered 8 children from various partners.
Joan (José Manuel) Sebastian was 64 years old when he died on July 13, 2015 (birthdate April 8, 1951).
Sebastian Engstroem's birth name is Sebastian Amadeus Engstroem.
He has 3 brothers
They were married to each other for almost eight years and had two kids together.
Joan Sebastian was born in 1951, in Juliantla, Guerrero, Mexico.
Joan Sebastian's birth name is Jos Manuel Figueroa Figueroa.
Joan Aiken has 2 children
Joan neither married nor had any children.
Culo cancer
Joan Sebastian
Estudio 2 - 2005 41 Joan Sebastian was released on: USA: 30 June 2005
well I know He Had 20 kids.
Yes, Joan Aiken has 2 kids.
Her name is Margareth Lanuza
En exclusiva con Myrka Dellanos - 2005 Joan Sebastian was released on: USA: 29 November 2005