As of late 2014, all 4 of the original members are alive and well.
The fan phone number for Mindless Behavior is 323-319-6060. You can get Mindless Behavior updates and leave a message if you join their mobile list.
When he was 11 years old.
Ray Ray And Princeton!
Ray ray
no she is not
ray ray@mindless behavior
He was in mindless behavior
Ray Ray from Mindless Behavior is a Capricorn.
Ray Ray from Mindless Behavior
Ray Ray from Mindless Behavior is in the 10th grade
yes ray ray and the middle boy ARE mindless behavior
Ray ray's eyes from mindless behavior are the color brown.
ray ray from mindless behavior weigh aout 128 pounds
does ray ray from mindless behavior have a facebook?yes ray ray from mindles behavior heave facebookmindless behaviorthat is his facebook
who got more style in mindless behavior is ray ray
None of the Mindless Behavior guys are related
Ray Ray from mindless behavior has an older brother and an older sister